Backup and upload changed files to FTP

The latest version of BackupChanges allow to backup and upload changed files to FTP server.

  1. First, you need to specify all standard backup settings
  2. On “Backup Result” tab find the “Destination directory” text-box. Next to the text-box there are two buttons – “Select local folder” and “Select FTP folder”. Click the second one.
  3. In the FTP dialog adjust FTP settings, click “Build URL” button to compile entered data into single connection URL.
  4. Click “Test connection” button to make sure everything works.
FTP Backup Dialog

FTP Backup Dialog

Next time you will run the backup, the program will backup your files to FTP server.

  • Note: you can backup your files to several destinations at one time, for instance to your external HDD and to FTP server; The option in File > Generate bat file menu also supports backup to FTP.